After receiving the coolest bike helmet ever for my birthday, a Nutcase Watermelon, (above) I have been lurking on Craigslist for the perfect vintage bike. Technically, we have 2 bikes, so Joe and I could go for a bike ride together, but one bike needs some work & the other bike really isn't me. I do have a 10 speed in my parents' garage that is in riding condition, but again, although it's mine, it's not me anymore.
In searching, I realized that what I really really want is a Schwinn Fair Lady 3-speed. (anyone have one that you want to get rid of?)
My first bike was a blue Schwinn with chrome fenders. As a kid, I was initially bummed that my parents got me a blue bike. All of my friends had girly pink bikes & I had blue. I grew to LOVE that bike. And what I loved the most was the way I felt riding it. It's the same feeling I had when I drove all by my self for the first time. I'd like to re-capture that feeling. Hence, the Craigslist search.
I really love that the Fair Lady has the same curved lines that my first bike had and it's just a beautiful bike. It will look wonderful with basket and I'll love riding it.
I got really close today. I found a single speed w/ a coaster brake for under $100 & it's green, which would look awesome with the helmet, but it's only a single speed. The lady selling it was very nice on the phone and I felt a little badly that I had to tell her I was looking for the 3-speed.
My best friend reminded me that I'll find it, I just have to be patient. (thanks L!)
Sweet & Sassy | Pink & Red Edit
1 day ago